3 Greatest Resolution of My Life in 2015

Yeahh, here I'll share to you my top three resolution of my life. However, I really hope and expect that those resolutions will be happen in my next 'one year' future. So, what're those resolutions? Here we go..

Really wanna hear "Hey Member, congraduation for your graduation. I'm really happy knowing that you're finally graduated" from all of my friends #damnbanget. Yeah, after almost 4 years studying *hey, today I'm a senior not yet a freshman or sophomore* *happyclapping*, I've really bored to studying more. I love learn but I hate studying, so graduation can stop me from this bored activities. I'll have a new routines, do whatever I want to do, earn money by doing activities which I love and go wherever my feet would step without thinking "Hey, I have a class today or tomorrow so I can't go to this place bla bla bla and how if bla bla bla". Really wanna catch my freedom #YaAllahtolong. Yeah, that's why I really expect I can graduate this year, amin

2. Going travel around Sumatra
Well, actually I wrote it as one of my hundred dreams when I definitely joined this awesome campus. We, as a freshman, have to write down hundred of our dreams on the paper as the task for us. So I write that on my 18 y.o I'll go travel around Sumatra. But however I've to postpone that dream because one and another things. So, in my last year before graduation, I'll catch this dream. I've save a lot of money for this journey and do communicate with my friends who stay in Sumatra. Hope it'll happen this year, aamiin.

3. Work in an International NGO
For this resolution, actually I still don't know about it. Still gambling and yeah, think it out more and more. I'm enthusiast with voluntary activities such as helping another people etc but still having less experience about it. Another problem is the limit of my language ability. I'm not fluent in English and still try to upgrade it. This makes me rejected from such voluntary activities that need English ability fluently and also lot of experience. But however, I'll do my best so I can accepted in some International NGO. Wish me luck guijs

Finally, those are my top 3 resolution for this year. Hope God will accept it and makes it happen for me #fighting #ciayo #keepspirit #wishmeluck

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